This was one of two tanks that we removed yesterday. The first was fairly standard and it went smoothly.
While this picture does not show the whole tank, it shows the comic relief of the job...the slug. Yup, when we cut the vent pipe, a very large slug fell out and began "slugging" across the tank. As it turns out, this tank was abandoned over forty years ago. The vent pipe rusted through which not only allowed the slug through but it also allowed water through. This tank was nearly filled with a water/oil mix. This is one of the examples of why tanks should not be forgotten about or ignored. There was over 200 gallons of waste liquid in this tank. Fortunately it did not overflow into the basement or ground. This job took significantly longer than most.
While this picture does not show the whole tank, it shows the comic relief of the job...the slug. Yup, when we cut the vent pipe, a very large slug fell out and began "slugging" across the tank. As it turns out, this tank was abandoned over forty years ago. The vent pipe rusted through which not only allowed the slug through but it also allowed water through. This tank was nearly filled with a water/oil mix. This is one of the examples of why tanks should not be forgotten about or ignored. There was over 200 gallons of waste liquid in this tank. Fortunately it did not overflow into the basement or ground. This job took significantly longer than most.